Ian Miller

Graduation Year
Ian Miller

Ian is majoring in Philosophy and pursuing a Global Studies minor with a concentration on South Asian Studies minor. He worked as CSA student assistant in the 2017-18 academic year.

Ian's capstone project, "Acts Against the Order of Nature: Sexual Ethics, Inclusivity and the Law", focuses on the decriminalization of Indian Penal Code (IPC) Section 377. IPC 377 is a colonial-era law that criminalized same-sex sexual activity and was struck down by the India's Supreme Court in September 2018. Ian examines the ways in which lesbian, transgender, sex-worker and low-income queer activists in India have responded to the decriminalizationproceedings, and evaluates how the legal focus on anti-377 efforts distracts attention from inequalities concerning class, gender and caste. Combining insights from queer activist discourses and contemporary analytic philosophy and ethics, Ian proposes to imagine a sexual politics that avoids some of the shortcomings brought to light by the law and its decriminialization.