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Make a Gift
Your gift matters.
A gift in support of our activities at Stanford will
- Enhance genuine understanding of the histories, cultures, and languages of South Asia.
- Equip Stanford students with a broad understanding of South Asia through innovative courses, academic seminars, and research, language, service, and internship opportunities.
- Support innovative faculty research and scholarship.
- Deepen our outreach efforts.
- Develop new initiatives to enhance South Asian Studies at Stanford.

Giving to South Asia
Giving opportunities allow you to support
- Endowed Professorships
- Named Lecture Series
- Fellowships to cover students’ tuition and living expenses
- Research, Language, and Service Fellowships
- Summer internships
- Student Practicum research
- Course development
- Visiting Scholars and Practitioners

Photo Credit: Itay Ravid (Jalebis - India 2016)
If you would like to support CSA,
please contact:
Lalita du Perron
Associate Director
lalita [at]
Your contribution may take the form of an expendable gift, annual pledge, or endowment. Endowment gifts provide naming opportunities for specific programs and may be matched. Your gift is tax deductible under applicable rules. As a unit of Stanford University, the Center for South Asia qualifies for tax-exempt status under Section 501 (c)(3).