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Visiting Scholars

Scholars affiliated with other academic or research institutions may apply for unpaid residencies with the Center for South Asia. Visiting scholars pursue their research projects at Stanford, engage with affiliated faculty, and participate in CSA events and intellectual life at Stanford. Visitors may be in residence for up to one academic year.

Photo Credit: Mitul Bhat (Lake Vembanad at dawn - India, 2012)


Visiting scholars must have:

  • an ongoing affiliation with an academic research institution or organization
  • a doctoral degree or recognized research-related expertise in their field
  • a source of financial support outside of Stanford University (appointment as a Visiting Scholar does not include any Stanford salary)
  • Title and Stanford affiliation as “Visiting Scholar”
  • Access to University Libraries and Archives
  • Access to athletics and fitness facilities
  • University ID card
  • Auditing university courses without a fee (subject to instructor approval)
  • Campus parking privileges (for a fee)
  • University email account (for a fee)


To apply:

  1. Identify an affiliated faculty who may serve as a sponsor
  2. Request the faculty to email CSA Associate Director Lalita du Perron to confirm their sponsorship
  3. Submit an application with a research proposal and proof of funding

Additional materials are required for visas for international visitors. Applications for visits that fall during the next academic year (September-June) are due by April 1.

Frequently Asked Questions