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The Implications of Taliban Takeover on Legal Education in Afghanistan

Thu January 18th 2024, 3:00 - 4:30pm
Event Sponsor
Abbasi Program in Islamic Studies
Center for South Asia

This event is cosponsored by the Center for South Asia and the Sohaib and Sara Abbasi Program in Islamic Studies  

The Afghan Legal System offers some distinct features, inter alia its composition of Islamic Law and the Civil law tradition, that are known to a lesser degree to international audiences. Unfortunately, the developments in the country post-Taliban takeover have increased the already complicated legal system and have severely impacted legal education in the country. In this webinar, we aim to explore these complications and discuss the ways we can safeguard the past twenty years of achievements in legal education in Afghanistan. 

This event will be moderated by Nasiruddin Nezaami, Fellow at IIE-SRF,  Stanford Law School, and Research Fellow at the Information Society Law Center, University of Milan and Assistant Professor of Law at the American University of Afghanistan. 
Victoria Fontan, Provost and Vice President of Academic Affairs at the American University of Afghanistan
Erik Jensen, Director of the Rule of Law Program at Stanford Law School, and an Affiliated Core Faculty at Stanford’s Center on Democracy, Development and the Rule of Law. 
Stephen A. Rosenbaum, MPP, JD, is Frank C. Newman Lecturer at UC Berkeley Law. He is also a Visiting Researcher Scholar at the University’s Othering & Belonging Institute and Research Affiliate at the Berkeley Interdisciplinary Migration Initiative. 

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